Pure Power

Euro energy conference

Energy resources of the world

The Academy of Technology has been looking into the possibility of using alternative sources for energy to power the future.

Energy resources are divided into four main categories. Non-renewable resources are limited in supply and can’t be recreated. read more

Green energy challenges

The idea of ​​using renewable energy sources certainly sounds attractive, but the name itself is deceiving. Most renewable energy sources are heavily dependent on fossil fuels with the exception of wood and dung

Energy transmission costs read more


An energy system designed to maximize the use of variable renewable energy must be maneuverable enough to accommodate the variable nature of wind and solar: by providing sufficient maneuverable generation and maximizing
use of demand-side management; read more

Think outside the box

An accelerated transition to a renewable energy future energy sources requires a holistic, system-wide approach, including energy efficiency measures to reduce overall energy demand. It’s not enough simply building more wind farms or putting read more